Tun Dr. Arshad Ayub A Respected National Icon | Alumni Relations Centre
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Tun Dr. Arshad Ayub A Respected National Icon

Tun Dr. Arshad Ayub is not only a symbol of success to UPM Alumni but also a national icon, specifically, in the field of agriculture and higher education. In recognition of his tremendous contribution in the realm of higher education, the nation has bestowed upon him the Academic Distinguished Award (Tokoh Akademik) in 2020. Occasionally, his opinions may sound ‘harsh’ as he has strong views regarding certain issues, particularly those related to higher education. He even challenged academic professors to partake in a more effective academic leadership role in nation building.

He was one of the early batch of students to graduate from College of Agriculture Malaya (1953-1954). He is an alumnus that has achieved enormous successes in numerous endeavours so much so he is considered an icon for this country. Through his vast experience, he single-handedly established an academic college known as Mara Institute of Technology, now known as Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

Prior to his admission into College of Agriculture Malaya, he was an Assistant Officer in RIDA which is an old name for MARA (Majlis Amanah Rakyat or the Rural & Industrial Development Authority (RIDA). Although he was admitted late into the college, he was determined to know everything about agriculture. He had a deep appreciation about agriculture, as he believed society and the country could develop further through a comprehensive knowledge about agriculture.

He reiterated, “In the beginning, the objective of RIDA was to improve the condition of the Malay villages. One of the teachers in the college, Che’gu Rashid, assisted the late Dato’ Onn bin Jaafar in developing the villages. He told Dato Onn that the officers and village headmen should have a good understanding about agriculture”.

For further reading, please click on this link, https://alumni.upm.edu.my/serdang_sun/volume_13_isu_22-13854


Date of Input: 31/08/2022 | Updated: 09/01/2023 | suziana.wil


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