Stay Productive Despite Working From Home | Alumni Relations Centre
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Stay Productive Despite Working From Home


By: Suziana Che Wil 

Editor : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan


The Covid-19 pandemic once again triggered its wave. Daily cases are increasing indirectly adding to the people's anxiety and annoyance. Thus, taking into account the public safety and health factors, once again Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced a full Movement Control Order (MCO) from 1 to 14 June 2021 for the first phase and resumed from 15 to 28 June 2021. This decision was made to break the chain of Covid-19 infection from continuing to spread. Following the announcement, the government recommended that public sector workers should only be in the office not exceeding 20 per cent while the private sector does not exceed 60 per cent. This is to prevent the spread and increase of workplace clusters which will certainly make the situation more complicated to contain. Working From Home (BDR) used to be foreign. But today with the culture of the new normal, BDR is seen as the best way to continue the economic movement and the people still have income. However, for critical sectors that require physical presence in the office, strict compliance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) must be observed. The higher education sector is also no exception in this matter. Employees who are not in critical service, the implementation of BDR as a sign of solidarity to the government's efforts to address the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.


Productivity continues to be at the optimum level Alumni Relations Centre, between PTJ which continues its work with BDR. The question is, will with the implementation of BDR, the level of employee productivity will decline? Despite the need to work from home, the level of employee productivity remains consistent and reliable. The implementation of various alumni programs continues online. Upm Alumni Relations Centre (ARCUPM), has proven that BDR is able to maintain a level of productivity when the virtual program is successfully implemented with a large number of online views. Most encouragingly, ARCUPM organised a virtual healthy lifestyle programme, UPM Alumni Golden Fit. The programme, held in conjunction with the 50-Year Golden Jubilee Celebration of UPM (1971-2021), managed to gather 6201 participants. The programme, launched in early February and ending on 30 May 2021, aims to be recorded into the Malaysia Book of Record for the Largest Participation In An University Fitness Event category. The method of implementation of this programme is 100% online ranging from registration of entries, delivery of running records, cycling and walking to the distribution of programme kits to the participants. This is evident, although the implementation of the UPM Alumni Golden Fit programme was held virtually, it has had a similar impact on the implementation of physical programmes.


Organize Programs over Time and Situation ARCUPM in collaboration with several UPM Responsibility Centres (PTJ) namely Residential College, Student Affairs Division (BHEP), UPM Alumni Association (PAUPM), Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and Graduate Employability (CEM) and Faculty of Agriculture as well as collaborative involvement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry has implemented the MegaChilli Project 2021 The Mega Chilli 2021 project aims to provide exposure to students to create opportunities as an entrepreneur when they graduate using the experience gained through this project. This impactful project is one of the projects to achieve the KPI of the H.E.P.A Strategic Plan 2021 which is Agricultural Sustainability. This is in line with the theme of UPM's 50-Year Golden Jubilee Celebration (1971-2021) which is 'Agriculture, Innovation, Life'. The year 2021 notes its own colorful color. Students are instructed to continue Teaching and Learning at Home (PdPR) including university students whose course of study does not require specific testing in the laboratory, it is advisable to continue learning in a hybrid manner. Looking at the current situation, once again ARCUPM, which is concerned with the stress and emotional deterioration of students especially from a psychological point of view, came up with the idea of organizing an online program called UPM Alumni Mentorship 2021. UPM Alumni Mentorship 2021 program with the theme "Counseling Support towards Student Wellbeing" aims to make alumni (mentors) as mentors/support groups to students (mentee). In this program, alumni with expertise in counseling are encouraged to be mentors/support groups for students who are emotionally and psychologically affected by Covid-19. Various issues, inclinations and concerns of students can be shared between mentors as well as getting advice from experts.  The programme, which will bring together UPM counseling alumni, is expected to bring together nearly 70 alumni and target 200 students to benefit from the implementation of this program. The programme has started a series of promotions on arcUPM and UPM's website since May and is expected to end in August. The implementation series covers individual coaching, group coaching and the closing of the UPM Alumni Mentorship 2021 program is Webinar. As a result, wherever the employee is, he needs to perform his duties and responsibilities, remain strong and reliable and always positive to stay productive.


Date of Input: 21/06/2021 | Updated: 13/10/2022 | hafzaini


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
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