By: Suziana Che Wil
Edit by : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan
"I had to postpone my studies for the last semester to make way for my siblings to undergo home teaching and learning (PdPR). Alhamdulillah with this help I will take advantage of it for me to succeed in my studies," – Nurafifah Samudin, Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Development), Faculty of Human Ecology.
It would be unfair if this happened in a university with an alumni number of almost hundreds of thousands of alumni. Realizing that things have changed with the Covid-19 pandemic, almost the entire class of study has already switched to Open Distance Learning (ODL), with devices and data plans already a priority.
University Putra Malaysia (UPM) with a total number of students of approximately 21,302 (statistics update 2019), is certainly among the affected students especially those from B40 families. Not every family can afford to provide a full-fledged device for children to cope with new situations in the study.
In 2016, UPM through the Alumni Relations Centre has organized a campaign called 1 Alumni 1 Ringgit Contribution (1A1SR). Today with the contribution of this fund, many students who are affected from the financial point of view and other facilities for study have been able to be helped.
Statistics up to March 2021 (for the first quarter of 2021), the 1A1SR fund has contributed RM15,000. With this contribution, the Alumni Relations Centre in collaboration with the Student Affairs Division, Zakat Management Centre, Wakaf and Endowment (WAZAN) and Bursar Office have identified five selected students who are in dire need of being given assistance with devices and data plans in the new semester with a contribution value of RM14,400.00.
Surely this contribution is not a small aid as some of them have to postpone their studies due to the absence of a device for online study. This effort is also seen as an initiative of UPM in upholding the field of scholarship and science in line with the university's mission in making a meaningful contribution to the formation of wealth and the development of the country as well as universal human progress through the exploration and dissemination of knowledge.
There are five (5) channels available to UPM alumni who wish to contribute to alma mater through 1A1SR contribution. Alumni can choose one of the ways;
The Prophet said; "At the time of the death of a son of Adam, all his deeds will be cut off, except for only three things, which is knowledge, a righteous child who prays for him and alms."
A contribution that may be light in the world but the weight of its scales in the afterlife. Little or many of the donations made are not yardsticks but with a small contribution, it has greatly eased the burden on the families of underprivileged students. That's the main objective of mobilizing the 1A1SR contribution fund.
Considering the commitment of the alumni and in recognition of the contribution given to the alma mater, contributors are eligible for income tax exemption under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967 (No. Reference: IRB. 01/35/42/51/179-6,1888).
With the motto "Dedicated Science" there are many ways to return to appreciate the alma mater. Not financially capable, perhaps thoughts and brilliant ideas show togetherness to give more meaning. So together, we are urging the alumni to bring UPM to the ultimate milestone. Surely "We Are Proud to Be UPM Alumni" is always embedded in the time.
Date of Input: 28/08/2021 | Updated: 28/03/2023 | suziana.wil
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