Mekar Lebaran UPM Dulu-Dulu | Alumni Relations Centre
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Mekar Lebaran UPM Dulu-Dulu


Translation by         : Siti Nur`Ain Feisal

Editor                     : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan

SERDANG, 10 Jan – The first committee meeting for Menggamit Kenangan Alumni Reunion (MEKAR) Lebaran UPM Dulu-Dulu took place at Bilik Menara Warisan Budi, Alumni Relations Centre UPM (ARCUPM).

The meeting was conducted to draft the workflow of Program Lebaran UPM Dulu-Dulu which is expected to be held by mid-2023. Attended the meeting were the Director of Alumni Relations Centre UPM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arba’ie Sujud, Deputy Director, Fahmi Azar Mistar and Shahrudin Mahadi (alumni class 1992), UPM Dulu-Dulu representative.   

The approach taken by ARCUPM in organising various programmes to engage alumni for university sustainability is seen to bring great advantages to students and the university. As of 2022, MEKAR KPM 72 successfully managed to bring back 100 alumni KPM 72 to UPM accompanied by more than RM50,000.00 worth of contributions.   

The programme organised is capable to reconnect alumni and the university, hence, contributing to students in need. Besides that, the return of alumni to alma mater is greatly welcome to provide contributions towards the university’s distinction.

The handing over of Batik Canting painting bought by Shahrudin Mahadi was also carried out in the meeting to display his support for the establishment of 2 Generasi scholarship. 

ARCUPM bid a warmest gratitude to all UPM alumni for supporting every programmes held. With the spirit of ‘Daripada Alumni Kepada UPM’, followed by ‘Eratkan Kerjasama Sesama Alumni’, it is hoped that UPM will be soaring forwards not only in academic achievement but other notable achievements too.

Date of Input: 26/01/2023 | Updated: 27/01/2023 | suziana.wil


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017