Majlis Sirih Pulang Ke Gagang@Homecoming XI 2022 Main Committee Meeting | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » Majlis Sirih Pulang ke Gagang@Homecoming XI 2022 Main Committee Meeting

Majlis Sirih Pulang ke Gagang@Homecoming XI 2022 Main Committee Meeting

Translation by: Adillah Anuar (FBMK Trainee) 

SERDANG - The Main Committee meeting of Homecoming XI 2022 has taken place to make adjustments regarding the course of the program on October 1, 2022.

The meeting chaired by Prof. Dr. Arifin Abdu, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student and Alumni Affairs (HEPA) emphasized and focused on the process of the ceremony that will take place soon.

Homecoming XI 2022 was held again after the 2020 edition could not be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country.

At this meeting, emphasis was given to all UPM members who are directly or indirectly involved to give a high commitment since this is a university event.

The UPM Alumni Relations Centre as the main organizing secretariat was given this trust once again to ensure that the event went as planned.

This edition is even more special. His Royal Highness, Chancellor of UPM, also agreed to attend the Homecoming ceremony.

The presence of the Chancellor also instils a spirit of togetherness and cooperation among UPM members so that this event, which is a UPM tradition, runs smoothly.

This event is also a platform for UPM alumni to gather and further to build a stronger network between alumni and alma mater in an effort to bring alumni back to contribute to their beloved alma mater.

Date of Input: 30/09/2022 | Updated: 11/04/2023 | suziana.wil


Alumni Relations Centre
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43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
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