EKSA VISIT FROM PSPK | Alumni Relations Centre


By: Shahirah Alia Azahar

Editor: Suziana Che Wil

Translation by: Shahirah Alia Azahar


SERDANG – The UPM Strategy and Corporate Relations Center (PSPK) paid a visit to the Alumni Relations Center (ARCUPM) on August 10, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. This visit is part of EKSA's culture and is held to share thoughts and suggestions on the working environment among Responsibility Centers (PTj).

The visit began in the Menara Warisan Budi Room and moved around the ARCUPM employees workspace, where the officers who were involved explained to PSPK representatives their unique creative ideas for the areas under their authority.

The Public Sector Conducive Ecosystem, also known as EKSA, is a program that attempts to improve the corporate image, establish a conducive atmosphere, increase motivation and discipline, and develop team spirit.

ARCUPM is one of the PTj that is constantly committed to the practice of EKSA, and in the Employee Quality and Innovation Day 2022 judging, ARCUPM is one of the PTj that stands out in the practice of EKSA.

ARCUPM and all UPM members are committed to making this program a success in order to achieve EKSA's aim of enhancing service quality and productivity through a conducive workplace environment.

ARCUPM performed trips outside and inside UPM to examine what changes may be made from the existing ones in order to further improve the practice of EKSA.

The collaboration of all parties, especially the employees, is extremely important in making this EKSA a success because this EKSA is a team task. To collectively succeed in the cultivation of EKSA practices and, as a result, create a more comfortable and conducive working environment, every employee must play their individual responsibilities.

Date of Input: 04/09/2023 | Updated: 15/11/2023 | shahirahalia


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017