Alumni Relations Centre Committed In EKSA Implementation | Alumni Relations Centre
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Alumni Relations Centre Committed in EKSA Implementation

Translation by         : Siti Nur`Ain Feisal

Editor                     : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan

SERDANG – Ekosistem Kondusif Sektor Awam (EKSA), is an effort to empower Malaysia’s public sector service by the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU).

EKSA was introduced in 2014, the rebranding of Amalan 5S Sektor Awam which emphasise the environment, conducive work culture and is relevant to the development of the public sector in Malaysia.  

The initiative introduced by MAMPU is the improvement of Amalan 5S implementation. This initiative is in line with the effort to strengthen reputable organisational culture and innovation among public sector agencies.

To clarify, EKSA is not a replacement for Amalan 5S but an improvised version of it with an emphasis on a conducive environment and team playing with a corporate and professional image. The rebranding involves the auditing method used since one size fits all concept is less appropriate to cater to the needs of all government agencies.

Generally, the rebranding has sparked the spirit of a team playing to display a more professional public sector image and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) has interpreted it into objectives, to enhance the corporate image, enliven creativity and innovative activities, to promote green sustainability practices, creating a conducive environment, increase team playing, cultivate responsibility, and practice continuous improvement.  

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in its commitment statement “We UPM employees are committed to adopting a high-performance organisational culture through the provision of a conducive work environment as well as an innovative and creative work culture based on green sustainability practices.” The commitment statement is in line with UPM reputation among the best in Malaysia for UI Green Metric and in line with the seventh Vice-Chancellor Aspiration 2022, to maintain UPM’s reputation as the most sustainable university.

By mentioning high commitment through vision and mission, Alumni Relations Centre UPM (ARCUPM) is committed to the implementation of EKSA starting in February 2022. With the motto “Persekitaran Kondusif Pencetus Transformasi Kerja Berkualiti”, EKSA is one of the star rating evaluation criteria.     

The implementation of EKSA at UPM involves continuous planning, implementation, monitoring, and improvement. The success of this practice depends on the involvement of the top management as the driving force as well as the cooperation and commitment of all employees of the organisation.  

At ARCUPM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arba’ie Sujud, Director of ARCUPM and the patron of EKSA emphasises the application of corporate image by prioritizing a clean, neat, safe and systematic workplace environment that will further enhance the visibility and image of ARCUPM.    

In addition, through EKSA practices the improvement of the quality of service to customers is enhanced by the handling of over-the-counter affairs to be quick, efficient and safe. Customers especially alumni will be satisfied when given fast and customer-friendly service.

The strengthening of EKSA practice at ARCUPM continued to intensify when the EKSA practice campaign was comprehensively kickstarted by ARCUPM EKSA Facilitator, Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan assisted by ARCUPM EKSA Coordinator, Mohd Sahrizan Mat Yatim. Each component outlined in the EKSA Manual Series 2 2022 must be complied by staff which includes auditing such as Implementation Key Requirements, Workplace/Office Space, Public Spaces, Environmental Security, Office Area Environment, and specific spaces (applicable to agency requirements).  

The practice of EKSA at ARCPM continues to be streamlined with the establishment of EKSA Main Committee which consists of the Promotion Committee, Training Committee and Audit Committee. All these committees have their scope and duties in further strengthening the culture, practice and EKSA at ARCUPM. It does not only means Ekosistem Kondusif Sektor Awam but for ARCUPM it is also translated as Eratkan Kerjasama Sesama Alumni.


Date of Input: 02/11/2022 | Updated: 11/01/2023 | suziana.wil


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017