Alumni Collaboration For Business Opportunity | Alumni Relations Centre
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Alumni Collaboration for Business Opportunity

10 Julai 2019, Rabu - In effort to improve and expand Universiti Putra Malaysia’s alumni network, Alumni Centre UPM has always been committed in planning and performing various activities and programmes involving the alumni in sustaining a lasting and consistent bond between the alumni and Alma Mater.

Thus, a networking session named Teh Tarik & Chat was planned out and executed annually. This programme was first held on 2017 with the participation of UPM industrial alumni and for 2019 the target participant was also from alumni in corporate background. Teh Tarik & Chat UPM Alumni 2019 was held on 10 July 2019 from 2 pm to 5 pm at L’apprenti @ Putra Restaurant. For a sum of 30 industrial and corporate alumni has joined the networking session.

Teh Tarik & Chat programme is a casual networking session which provide a comfortable and condusive ambience for the alumni to expand their networking as well as to share their corporate initiative among alumni. Not only that, they are given the opportunity to share experiences regarding their field of expertise and knowledge sharing.

Alumni Centre took this opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation to alumni who has participated and spent their time to give back to Alma Mater as well as has contributed to 1 Alumni 1 Sumbangan Ringgit campaign which is to channeled to the underprivilaged UPM students. 

In conclusion, as a centre responsible in organising alumni engagement activities, Alumni Centre is always in line with the university’s desire in strenghtening the relations and alumni engagement by performing various programmes to support university’s goal towards achieving PG200.

Date of Input: 26/07/2019 | Updated: 26/07/2019 | sufian.ismail


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017