19-23 March 2019:4 Agencies 83 Alumni Traced In Kota Kinabalu | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » 19-23 March 2019:4 agencies 83 alumni traced in Kota Kinabalu

19-23 March 2019:4 agencies 83 alumni traced in Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu, 19-23 March 2019 - In effort to improve and expanding University Putra Malaysia’s alumni network, Alumni Centre UPM has always been committed in planning and performing various of activities and programmes involving the alumni in sustaining a lasting and consistent bond between the alumni and Alma Mater. As a centre responsible in organising alumni engagement activities, Alumni Centre is always in line with the university’s desire in strengthening the relations and alumni engagement by performing various programmes in bonding the alumni with the university to support university’s intention towards achieving PG200.

Tracing Alumni for Collaboration & Engagement (TRACE) in Sabah was first held in 2017 and was well received. Due to that, this programme was held again this year on 19 until 23 March 2019 and is called TRACE BRIDGES-LINK @ Kota Kinabalu Sabah. This programme focuses on several agencies under the state governance. The foundation of this programme is to trace the alumni in a small group through selected agencies in order to strenghthen the alumni relationship in respective agencies and indirectly get them to contribute back to Alma Mater. 

TRACE BRIDGES-LINK @ Kota Kinabalu Sabah started on 19 March 2019 for 5 days and 4 nights covering agencies such as University Malaysia Sabah, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Tun Mustapha Tower and Sabah Rubber Industry Board. 


Not only that, Alumni Centre UPM has successfully seized the opportunity to trace the UPM alumni through the International Conference on Heart of Borneo. During the programme, Alumni Centre also had a Majlis Makan Malam Bersama Chapter Alumni Sabah. The outcomes of activity planning and agencies visiting, a number 83 alumni has been traced, updated their data and a number of collaboration prospect has been agreed on. Meanwhile, this programme is a best platform for the alumni to contribute back to their Alma Mater through a donation drive Tabung 1 Alumni 1 Sumbangan Ringgit (1A1SR).


In conclusion, to cultivate alumni’s spirit of togetherness, proud and concern towards Alma Mater, Alumni Centre UPM constantly improving the effort in preserving excellent relationship network with the alumni through programs and activities from all categories (cohort). Thus, Alumni Centre UPM is planning to expand in organising Tracing Alumni @ District (TAD) activity to Eastern, Western and Northern Zone of Peninsular Malaysia through selected districts. Alumni Centre will be tracing alumni in Eastern Zone specifically in Maran, Pekan and Rompin district on 14-18 April 2019. 

Date of Input: 25/07/2019 | Updated: 27/09/2019 | sufian.ismail


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017