Establishment And Launching | Alumni Relations Centre
» YAYASAN PAK RASHID » Establishment and Launching

Establishment and Launching

The Pak Rashid Foundation (YPR) was officially launched on November 2000. This foundation, inspired by Pak Rashid, was the brainchild idea of friends and Alumni that knew him and remembered him as an excellent teacher. The founder and pioneer of the establishment of Universiti Pertanian Malaysia was a well known teacher with the high discipline level and will always be willing to help any student during the duration of his service. His dedication towards education and love towards agriculture made him qualified to receive a high honor which is the Honorary Doctorate in Letters from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia and Ridley Centennial Award (Posthumous). Compassion and dynamic is an expression best to describe his personality that can impact and change a student that comes from a rural background who tends to be shy, to become corporate leaders and successful entrepreneurs.

The Pak Rashid Foundation always supports UPM's excellence in many ways through the establishment of the 'Chair in Extension Education'. Through its research grants allotment, YPR strives to improve Universiti Putra Malaysia as a premier High Education Institute in Research & Development (R&D). YPR bestow the YPR Gold Medal Award to students who excelled in their studies as well as supports innovative agriculture and education projects. With that, YPR is dependent philanthropist, Alumni and those who supports the University to help make the objective realistic.

YPR also has a strategic relationship with the Alumni and corporations to achieve and maintain the fame towards education and professionalism. To all Alumni Association members, UPM is highly interested to lead fund raising activities in the form of contributions to the university endowment. We hope that the tradition of giving will shape the future of UPM. We appreciate all the alumni and friends that always remember UPM as their Alma Mater. When u fell like donating, think of UPM. Your contribution, no matter the amount is highly valuable to the foundation. We are honoured to received your contribution whether its small or large, cash or in kind, on the hopes that it will help in making YPR objective a reality.

The Yayasan Pak Rashid was registered under the provision of the Trustees (Incorporation) Section 2 and 4, Act 1952. The document the Deed of Trust was dated 10 November 1999 and YPR was approved by the Legal Affairs Division, Prime Minister Department on 29 April 2000. YPR was launched by the Late Chancellor of UPM, TYT Tun Dato Seri (Dr) Hj Hamdan Sheikh Tahir on 17 November 2000 at Merak Kayangan Hall, FELDA, Kuala Lumpur.

Updated:: 10/11/2017 [hafzaini]

