Yayasan Pak Rashid Schorlarship | Alumni Relations Centre
» GIVING BACK » Yayasan Pak Rashid Schorlarship

Yayasan Pak Rashid Schorlarship

The UPM Alumni Relations Centre serves as the secretariat of the Pak Rashid Foundation. Pak Rashid Foundation Scholarship was established in line with the objectives of the establishment of Pak Rashid Foundation in an effort to create funds for the provision of scholarships, loans, grants, and financial assistance to UPM students.

Yayasan Pak Rashid UPM scholarships are offered to first year students who study agriculture and other programs at bachelor and diploma levels at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Students who are successfully offered the scholarship will receive  RM7,500 per year for bachelor level and RM5,000 per year for  diploma level.


Updated:: 14/10/2022 [syahidasyraaf]

