Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and greetings to the Alumni and future Alumni of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM),
I express my gratitude to the Almighty for the honor and trust bestowed upon me by UPM to lead the UPM Alumni Relations Center (ARCUPM) and for the opportunity to deliver these initial remarks on this focused website.
UPM has a long history of establishment. It began as the Agricultural School founded on May 21st, 1931, offering only two programs at the time. Later, in 1947, it was upgraded to the Malayan Agricultural College, and in 1971, the college was further upgraded to a university named ‘Universiti Pertanian Malaysia’ through the merger of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Malaya and the Malayan Agricultural College, Serdang. History continued to unfold when in 1997, ‘Universiti Pertanian Malaysia’ was renamed ‘Universiti Putra Malaysia’, in line with UPM's development offering various programs in computer science, medicine, architecture, and many more.
I believe that with this long history of establishment, UPM has produced many distinguished alumni in government bodies, private sectors, and industries. I am confident that with the academic knowledge, moral values, and spiritual values instilled in UPM alumni over four to five years, they possess the excellent criteria to face the realities of life in various aspects of science, technology, social, cultural, and political fields which are interrelated.
I am also confident that with the new leadership of the Vice-Chancellor of UPM, Dato’ Prof. Dr. Ahmad Farhan Mohd Sadullah, and the introduction of a new 'True North', can lead UPM community, especially UPM alumni, to work together towards the vision and mission of UPM to become an Internationally Renowned University. With the spirit of 'With Knowledge We Serve', it will undoubtedly strengthen the foundation of UPM's strategic house.
The use of social media in this era as a means of communication is rapidly evolving. Websites also serve as a platform for alumni and future alumni to obtain information, interact, disseminate activities, and programs involving alumni. Therefore, I hope that this platform will always be utilized to enhance the sense of belonging of alumni, whether within or outside the country.
ARCUPM will continually provide the latest news and developments as well as the successes of alumni, which will become an integrated networking between alumni, alumni with the university, and alumni with students, or more precisely, future alumni. Therefore, I hope for the kindness of all alumni to assist ARCUPM by updating your information on the Alumni Information System portal so that this matter can be realized and thus prove that UPM has strong and up-to-date alumni information. Through the data obtained, effective and continuous interaction between UPM and UPM alumni can be enhanced and expanded further.
I also hope that UPM alumni will continue to contribute to UPM regardless of the perspective and aspect. Sharing knowledge, experiences, and skills after graduation is essential for these students or future alumni. Alumni are the most influential figures among future alumni because they perceive every experience and sharing from alumni as very close to them since each has been in the same seat, same place, and same situation before the alumni succeeded.
ARCUPM, in close cooperation with the UPM Alumni Association and Faculty/Residential College Alumni Coordinators, will continually plan various programs involving alumni and future alumni to preserve the spirit of togetherness and love for UPM. This spirit will evoke a longing to return to campus after graduation, and certainly, a solid bond with UPM can be maintained over time.
With joy and sincerity, I invite alumni to commit continuously, contribute, and unite efforts to build strength in elevating UPM’s status as an internationally renowned university.
In conclusion, let us together promote the culture of contribution and service to our beloved alma mater, and I pray for the continuous prosperity and solidarity between UPM and UPM alumni out there to last.
Let us all contribute again to our beloved alma mater.
Thus, peace be upon you.
Associate Professor. Dr. Siti Aqlima Ahmad
(UPM Alumni Class of 2004, 2007 & 2012)
Director of Alumni Relations Centre
Updated:: 02/12/2024 [aida.peli]
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Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Research and Innovation)
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Off Lebuh Silikon
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor