UPM Alumni Sanitised Mosque For Campus Residents And Community Safety | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » UPM Alumni Sanitised Mosque for Campus Residents and Community Safety

UPM Alumni Sanitised Mosque for Campus Residents and Community Safety

By: Siti Nur`Ain Feisal

SERDANG – Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) through Alumni Relations Centre and UPM Alumni Association (PAUPM) in collaboration with University Islamic Centre and Student Representative Council (MPP) took an initiative in organising UPM Mosque Sanitation Programme. This sanitation program is one of the contributions of UPM alumni to the alma mater and community, thus strengthening the spirit of togetherness and volunteerism among alumni and campus residents.

UPM Alumni Association (PAUPM) President, Datuk Raihan Sharif said, the program indicates UPM's concern about the safety of its residents and local community who will use the mosque to perform prayers.

"This social responsibility shows UPM concern about the compliance of COVID-19 standard operational procedure (SOP). 

"Such program is seen relevant in this pandemic season to demonstrate a sense responsibility and togetherness with the government in breaking the pandemic chain," he commented in hoping more alumni to organise a worthy program for mutual benefit.

Meanwhile, Alumni Relations Centre Deputy Director, Fahmi Azar Mistar said, the collaboration with Student Representative Council (MPP) showcasing a good example for other graduates in continuing their duty to university when they graduated.

"It is my deepest desire that all parties especially the association members and staff will work together in breaking the COVID-19 chain for mutual well-being," he commented, as UPM Alumni Association Exco.

UPM is an internationally recognised university with 88 years of excellence in higher education and is also recognised as one of the best research universities in the region and ranked 143rd in the QS Global World Rankings 2022.

As one of Malaysia's largest and leading universities with an excellent reputation in teaching and research, UPM has always been a top choice for students globally.

Correspondingly, as a world-class learning centre, UPM offers a wide academic discipline portfolio to more than 28,000 students in various academic programs with extensive knowledge and quality human capital development contribution since 1931. 

Significantly, UPM will be celebrating 50 Years Golden Jubilee Celebrations (1971-2021). In line with it, knowledge generation and dissemination are the main core of University Putra Malaysia activities with the embedded motto "With Knowledge We Serve". 


Date of Input: 25/05/2021 | Updated: 23/07/2021 | alif.isnain


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017