ARCUPM Management Meeting, Yassin Recital, Tahlil, And Thanksgiving | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » ARCUPM Management Meeting, Yassin Recital, Tahlil, and Thanksgiving

ARCUPM Management Meeting, Yassin Recital, Tahlil, and Thanksgiving

Translation by         : Siti Nur`Ain Feisal

Editor                     : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan 

SERDANG, 20 July - Alumni Relations Centre UPM (ARCUPM) has once again conducted a Yassin recital, tahlil and thanksgiving ceremony, chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arba’ie Sujud and lead by Fudhayl Omar. It was a monthly religious ceremony and gained positive feedback from ARCUPM staff. 

The initiative taken by ARCUPM Kelab Kebajikan dan Sosial is seen as a good effort for staff bonding. 

ARCUPM Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arba’ie Sujud continuously stresses on the spirit of togetherness among staff in leading ARCUPM for overall benefits.

“A good team is a team which always together in supporting organisation’s vision and mission. We are born with gifts and talents and when it is put into use, it will form a team with a similar vision to achieve excellence,” he said. 

Date of Input: 31/07/2022 | Updated: 12/01/2023 | suziana.wil


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