Around The Malaya College Of Gold Jubilee Celebration Meeting (KPM) 1972 | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » Around the Malaya College of Gold Jubilee Celebration Meeting (KPM) 1972

Around the Malaya College of Gold Jubilee Celebration Meeting (KPM) 1972

Oleh : Suziana Che Wil 

Suntingan : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan 


SERDANG - The Malaya Agriculture College (KPM) 1972 will celebrate its 50 -year college gold jubilee next July. The response that will bring together all KPM 1972 alumni will be held at the UPM Green Campus. It is expected that nearly 100 KPM'72 alumni will return to UPM in order to celebrate the 50 -year KPM gold jublli celebration.

The return of these alumni was very much awaited after a long time since they left the campus and is now back to recall the old memories as UPM still uses the name of the Malaya College of Agriculture.



The UPM Alumni Relations Center as the Secretariat is working with the UPM Alumni Association in planning activities to welcome the return of these alumni.

 This celebration is also in line with UPM's 50-year Gold Jubilee Celebration (1971-2021). At the age of 50 UPM, various successes have been achieved in bringing the university's vision of becoming an international reputation university.

 The main objective of bringing home alumni to Alma Mater is also to share and exchange knowledge and expertise with UPM students as well as to share their views on contributing to Alma Mater.


The donations will be given to UPM students who need especially those from the B40, asnaf and also the disabled students (disabled).

The Alumni Relationship Center wishes to return to the UPM Green Campus to all KPM'72 alumni.


Date of Input: 30/06/2022 | Updated: 14/10/2022 | suziana.wil


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017