Online Yassin Recital And Tahlil – No Boundaries To Stay Connected | Alumni Relations Centre
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Online Yassin Recital and Tahlil – No Boundaries to Stay Connected


Translation: Siti Nur'Ain Feisal

Editing by: Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan

SERDANG – Since the Movement Control Order 3.0 was announced by the government, only 20 percent of staff can attend to work in the office. This imposed order is part of the effort by the authorities in breaking the COVID-19 chain. 

Almost entering the second year, Malaysians together with the government are working hard to subside the pandemic. Instead, working from home (WFH) is increasingly being successfully applied.

The necessity for online discussion and meetings is maximised as much as possible. This is to maintain work operation that is normally being done in the office remain uninterrupted. A new work environment is created. 

On the night of 27 May 2021, Alumni Relations Centre UPM (ARCUPM) has proven even though no face-to-face contact but it still does not limit assembly and cooperation. Online Yassin recital and tahlil were held. This is an effort shown by Alumni Relations Centre Welfare and Social Club, coordinated by Sarah Rahim. 

The occasion starts at 8 p.m. sharp and ends at 9 p.m. Also virtually attended are the Director of Alumni Relations Centre UPM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arba’ie Sujud, Deputy Director, Fahmi Azar Mistar, and Assistant Registrar Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan.   

ARCUPM staff altogether attended virtually to recite Yassin and tahlil. This clearly shows high commitment despite any given situation.   

At the end of the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arba’ie had the opportunity to convey a reminder for all staff to always oblige the imposed SOP in order to maintain personal health, family and act as a sign of supporting the government’s effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.

“The situation is not the same as before. We used to meet in the office but now we are tested against the epidemic. But our togetherness spirit is not broken. Tonight’s ceremony proves whenever we are the spirit of togetherness and cooperation is boundless. May all our prayers be granted by Allah SWT and each of our good deeds is accepted and heard by Him. Together we continue to pray that this tragedy will pass soon so that we can return to our usual routine. Take each of these events as a lesson to us to be closer to Him.

“I see the activity that we did tonight can be continued in the future. Maybe it can be a monthly activity since we do not know when we will be in this epidemic situation. But no matter where we are, in what situation we work, our togetherness will continue. May we at ARCUPM and UPM residents will be protected by Allah SWT and be kept away from unfortunate occurrences. Allah takes care of us and it works reciprocally. Stay at home to break the chain,” he concluded.     

Date of Input: 01/06/2021 | Updated: 13/08/2021 | alif.isnain


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017