Alumni Day Sports Carnival May 21, 2022; Tenpin Alumni Bowling Friendship Match | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » Alumni Day Sports Carnival May 21, 2022; Tenpin Alumni Bowling Friendship Match

Alumni Day Sports Carnival May 21, 2022; Tenpin Alumni Bowling Friendship Match


By : Nur Diyana Izan

Editor : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan 

SERDANG - Boling tenpin alumni have politely objected to the celebration of alumni day on May 21, 2022.  A group of about 30 people, including employees of UPM and ALUMNI, have joined the opposition. The resistance that took place at Wangsa Bowl, ioi Mall Putrajaya was lively with a spirit of excitement shown by the participants who attended as early as 9 am at Wangsa Bowl ioi Mall Putrajaya.

The two-day sports carnival also received the cooperation of the UPM Sports Academy and the UPM Alumni Association.

The teamwork displayed in collaboratively establishing UPM as a prestigious university in all of these activities and subjects, UPM Alumni Relations Centre would like to thank you.

Such activities will continue in the upcoming year, and alumni participation is much encouraged. The slogans 'We Are Proud to Be UPM Alumni' and 'From Alumni to UPM' should be further encouraged.

Date of Input: 31/05/2022 | Updated: 14/10/2022 | suziana.wil


Alumni Relations Centre
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Selangor Darul Ehsan
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