Function Section | Alumni Relations Centre
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Function Section


  1. Performing matters related to the administration and human resources of the Alumni Relations Center including the recruitment of new employees /staff at the Alumni Relations Center and provide a description of the duties and responsibilities of all staff.

  2. Identify appropriate courses/ training/ workshops/ seminars for all Alumni Relations Center’s staff.

  3. Supervise and monitor all matters related to the maintenance of buildings, equipment, landscaping, and vehicles of the Alumni Relations Centre.

  4. Supervise, perform, and monitor all Alumni Relations Centre activities & programs throughout the year.

  5. Manage the procedures for organizing and executing alumni activities/programs.

  6. Manage and coordinate financial matters including supplier selection review, purchasing, receipts, retail money and other financial matters.

  7. Manage, coordinate and monitor the asset management of the Alumni Relations Centre.

  8. Manage, coordinate and monitor Responsibility Centre’s Star Rating.

  9. Secretariat, Majlis Alumni Universiti Awam Malaysia (MALUMNI) in the preparation of reports & coordination of activities/programs.


  1. To coordinate, manage and perform the publication of UPM Alumni magazine Serdang Sun once a year.

  2. To coordinate, manage and perform the publication of the UPM Alumni e-Newsletter four times a year.

  3. To Coordinate, manage and perform the publication of UPM Alumni e-Bulletin magazine four times a year.

  4. To coordinate, manage and perform appreciation speeches to alumni via Alumni Relations Centre’s social media.

  5. To coordinate, manage and perform alumni's birthday greetings via e-card on a monthly basis.

  6. To coordinate and perform the contents of the program booklet, speeches, annual report, banner, bunting, video and other matters related to the promotion and publicity of the alumni programs.

  7. To coordinate and monitor the design and layout of program booklets, annual reports, banners, bunting, videos and other related matters.

  8. To coordinate and update the development of the website and social media of the Alumni Relations Centre.


  1. Coordinate and manage alumni consultations.

  2. Coordinate and manage alumni scholarships and student financial aid.

  3. The secretariat of Yayasan Pak Rashid (YPR) that includes performing activities/programs such as YPR Public Lectures, Professional Training, Scholarships. Financial Aid and Research Grants.

  4. Manage, perform and monitor the Alumni’s Activity Grant to students.

  5. Coordinate and manage the information collection of university income generation  through alumni contribution from the relevant Responsibility Centre in UPM.

  6. Coordinate HEPA KPI’s reporting.

  7. Coordinate and manage information gathering for the UPM Industry and Community Network.


  1. Coordinate UPM Alumni Database include tracking and updating UPM alumni older and latest data.

  2. Coordinate, manage and perform reunions and meet sessions with industry and public sector alumni.

  3. Manage and perform programs/activities with UPM Alumni Association and chapters under the management of UPM Alumni Relations Centre.

  4. Manage and perform student programs/activities with UPM alumni.

  5. Coordinate and manage the establishment of a new UPM alumni chapter.

  6. Manage and coordinate the Quality Management System MS ISO 9001:2008.

  7. Manage and coordinate the reporting of University Senior Officers Meeting.

  8. Manage and coordinate Client Charter reporting.

  9. Manage and coordinate Staff Training.

Updated:: 14/06/2023 [syahidasyraaf]


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017