Yayasan Pak Rashid | Alumni Relations Centre


Yayasan Pak Rashid

The Pak Rashid Foundation (YPR) was officially launched in November 2000. A foundation that was inspired by Pak Rashid, is the brainchild of friends and alumni who knew and always remembered him as an excellent teacher.

The Pak Rashid Foundation (YPR) was officially launched on November 2000. This foundation, inspired...more...
YAYASAN PAK RASHID MISSION To encourage and promote the advancement of education, research,...more...
YAYASAN PAK RASHID Logo Created by Zulkifli Muslim Faculty of Design & Architecture, UPM ...more...
Ex-Officio YBhg. Dato' Prof. Dr. Mohd Roslan bin SulaimanVice Chancellor Mr. Muhazam bin...more...
2021-2022 Goh Yong Shen Bachelor of Science in Physics with Honours 2020-2021 Ng Jing...more...
2019 Dr. Muhammad Firdaus Sulaiman (Fakulti Pertanian) Title:  Dynamic of soil carbon and...more...