UPM ALUMNI GOLDEN FIT | Alumni Relations Centre


5 February 2021 - UPM Alumni Golden Fit is a virtual fitness event held to promote healthy lifestyle practices among the community especially the Alumni of University Putra Malaysia (UPM) during the Covid-19 pandemic. The event is organised by in conjunction Chapter Student Ambassador (CSA) in collaboration with UPM Alumni Relations Centre, UPM Alumni Association, UPM Student Affairs Division and KDS Apparel with the 50-Year Golden Jubilee Festival (1971-2021). The programme, which is currently running until 30 June 2021, has led the intention to reinstate alumni to the alma mater through online even the pandemic wave is returning.

The event registration was opened on 5 February 2021 by inviting UPM alumni, UPM staffs and the public to join via UPM Alumni Relations Centre official social media. Participants  an record their fitness activities upon registration using fitness applications such as Strava, Runtastic, Nike Run Club and Runtracker. There are two (2) categories offered which are 25 KM and 50 KM. Participants can perform various fitness activities such as running, cycling, walking, and even the use of disposal blender is also taken into account for participants to complete the selected distance.

Variety of exclusive merchandise specially designed in conjunction with UPM's 50-year establishment can be owned by participants. There are finishing t-shirts, gold and silver medals, mask, and e-certificates. The event is not complete without being served with inspirational stories from exemplary icons among UPM alumni who are actively doing healthy living practices.

Mr Airulmi Mokhtar is a heart attack survivor who is currently actively involved in fitness activities especially running. The 2001 class UPM alumni that reduced weight from 105 kg is promoting healthy lifestyle practices and sharing his experiences through a youtube channel named al Rumie. Currently, the Deputy Vice President of Business Development at Sime Darby Plantation continues to inspire 5700 youtube subscribers through a message "Spread the Benefits" and the slogan "Interests, Hard Work and Sincere".

The same inspiration was shared by Mr Khairul Shazwali Taib. He was a kidney transplant runner who previously ran while wearing a tube before undergoing a kidney transplant. He graduated from UPM in 2012 and was invited as a speaker of the Ministry of Health (MOH) for the kidney health campaign. He who served as a technical consultant now appointed as the maintenance of MYBuahPinggang's Facebook social site with experts to disseminate accurate information on kidney health to the community.

A great story is also presented by Mr Ravichandran, 1990-class UPM alumni who captured the Everest Mountain Peak in 2006 and 2007. He is also the Country's First Solo Climber in climbing Mount Everest. He is very experienced in 6 mountain expeditions in the world that are over 8000 metres high. Besides that, he has also captured most of the top 7 continents (seven summit) and now becomes a mountain guider for the 7 continental peaks. His strong enthusiasm towards the slogan "Malaysia Boleh" became the cornerstone of his guide to continuing to practice fitness activities even though he had lost his finger during climbing in extreme cold weather.

Date of Input: 15/02/2021 | Updated: 12/03/2021 | sufian.ismail


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017