Serdang Sun Magazine Issue 24, 2023 Workshop | Alumni Relations Centre
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Serdang Sun Magazine Issue 24, 2023 Workshop

Written and Translated by: Nur Sara Hazeqqa Johari

Edited by: Suziana Che Wil


Serdang, February 5th - Workshop for Serdang Sun Magazine Issue 24 of 2023 was held at Bilik Menara Warisan Budi, Alumni Relations Centre UPM (ARCUPM). 

The magazine content refinement workshop is held with the aim of processing edits and proofreading of magazine article content, as well as arranging the layout of magazine content and photos before the printing process is carried out. This workshop also serves to review the suitability of the magazine's front cover that will be published. 

At this stage, the presence and commitment of all members of the editorial board are required in order to avoid factual errors that could lead to issues later on.

In this workshop, the editorial board has been divided into four groups to review and edit the content. Each group was assigned to review one section, which consists of Features, Contributions, Campus Portraits, and Highlights. Any corrections, comments, and improvements will be made during the workshop and this is to collectively review and agree on every exchange and improvements made.

UPM Alumni Magazine Serdang Sun is physically published annually, which serves as a platform for information, experiences, aspirations, and successes of UPM. Every article that is featured in Serdang Sun Alumni Magazine mainly aims to inspire students to succeed upon completion of their studies and graduation.

Previously, the Serdang Sun Alumni Magazine Refinement Workshop for Issue 24, the Year 2023 was also attended by the Deputy Director of ARCUPM, Mr. Fahmi Azar Mistar, editors, writers, and a secretariat consisting of ARCUPM staff and officers.

Date of Input: 07/02/2024 | Updated: 29/03/2024 | hazeqqa


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017