Rantaian Kasih Raya Ceremony, Alumni Relation Centre UPM | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » Rantaian Kasih Raya Ceremony, Alumni Relation Centre UPM

Rantaian Kasih Raya Ceremony, Alumni Relation Centre UPM


Written and Translated by: Nur Sara Hazeqqa

Edited by: Suziana Che Wil

Serdang, April 5th - The UPM Alumni Relations Centre (ARCUPM) organized the 'Rantaian Kasih Raya' event to celebrate the final week of Ramadan before the Aidilfitri celebration. The event was held at 10:30 a.m. and attended by the Director of ARCUPM, Associate Professor Dr. Siti Aqlima which took place in the Menara Warisan Budi Room at ARCUPM.

The event began with a welcoming speech by the chairperson, the Director of ARCUPM, and followed by a 'Rantaian Kasih' session among the ARCUPM staff. This session was a time for forgiveness among the ARCUPM staff before they went on leave to celebrate Aidilfitri.

During this brief event, the ARCUPM Director shared an early message emphasizing that the key elements in all efforts and work are honesty and integrity. Dr. Siti Aqlima also encouraged all ARCUPM staff to always prioritize these values because each of us has a role in representing the ARCUPM name.

Next, the event continued with the distribution of the Al-Quran to each ARCUPM staff member. These Al-Qurans were donated by Yayasan Ade Azhar for ARCUPM staff. The donation was made to strengthen the bilateral relationship between ARCUPM and the foundation.

ARCUPM extends its heartfelt thanks to Yayasan Ade Azhar for the Al-Quran donation, hoping it will benefit the ARCUPM staff. Also, ARCUPM wishes a happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all UPM staff celebrating!

Date of Input: 08/04/2024 | Updated: 26/04/2024 | hazeqqa


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
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