Land Of The Hornbills Gethered 83 Alumni | Alumni Relations Centre
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Land of the Hornbills gethered 83 alumni

Kuching, 25-30 June 2019- In order to strengthen and expand the engagement of University Putra Malaysia alumni, Alumni Centre UPM (ACUPM) always committed in planning and performing various activities and programs involving the alumni to maintain a consistent lifelong relations between the alumni and Alma Mater. As a centre responsible in organising alumni engagement activities, Alumni Centre is always in line with university’s desire to strengthen the relations and alumni engagement by performing various programs to strengthen the bonds between the alumni and the university in conjunction to support university’s goal towards achieving PG200.

Tracing Alumni for Collaboration & Engagement (TRACE) in Sarawak was first introduced in 2016 and the program continues every year since it has been very well received from the alumni in the Land of the Hornbills. Thus, the continuity of this program was held this year from 25th until 30th of June and is known as TRACE @ District, Kuching Sarawak. TRACE @ District Kuching Sarawak focused on local agencies. The main objective for this TRACE program is to trace group of alumni through selected agencies so that the alumni engagement in every agencies will be empowered and inculcate the culture of Giving Back to their Alma Mater. 

TRACE @ District Kuching Sarawak started on 25th of June 2019 for 6 days and 5 nights consecutively. The tracing program covered agencies such as Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia Headquarters, Vocational College Kuching, Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation, District Education Office Kuching, Department of Veterinary Services Sarawak, Mara Skills Institute Kuching, and Department of Environment Sarawak. Not only that, ACUPM  did not waste the opportunity to trace UPM alumni through Temu Mesra Alumni Industri session with Madam Nina Jayah, holder of Bachelor of Arts English Language graduated in 2007. Madam Nina is now a Communication Director at Micevision Management Sdn. Bhd. ACUPM is honoured to have the opportunity for a courtesy visit with the Director of Fire and Rescue Malaysia Sarawak, Mr Hj. Khirudin Drahman alumni class of 1999. The outcome from the activity planning and agency visits, a total of 83 alumni has been traced, alumni data has been updated and various collaboration prospects have been mutually agreed on. Meanwhile, this programme is a best platform for the alumni to contribute back to their Alma Mater through a donation drive known as Tabung 1 Alumni 1 Sumbangan Ringgit (1A1SR). 

In conclusion, to cultivate alumni’s spirit of togetherness, admiration and concern towards Alma Mater, Alumni Centre UPM constantly improving the effort in preserving excellent relationship network with the alumni through programs and activities from all categories (cohort). ACUPM has successfully expanded organizing Tracing Alumni @ District (TAD) activities by focusing on selected districts to Eastern, Western and Southern zones. For this upcoming tracing program, ACUPM will be tracing alumni at Northern zone specifically at Kota Setar, Kulim, Baling, Kubang Pasu, and Balik Pulau district on 27 July 2019 to 3 August 2019.   

Date of Input: 26/07/2019 | Updated: 26/07/2019 | sufian.ismail


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017