Final Valuation Read@Uni Al-Falah ARCUPM | Alumni Relations Centre
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Final Valuation Read@Uni Al-Falah ARCUPM

Oleh : Suziana Che Wil 

Suntingan : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan 

Translation by : Nur Diyana Izan (FBMK Internship Student)

SERDANG - On October 12, 2022, ARCUPM al-Falah read@uni had its final valuation session. The final valuation was led by Haslina Abu Seman@Talib and Hanis Johari, from Sultan Abdul Samad UPM Library. Read@Uni is a reading campaign initiative for all universities in Malaysia organised by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. The main goal of this programme is to raise the percentage of people who read by 2030, particularly on college campuses and among students.

Read@Uni Alumni Relations Centre (ARCUPM) was upgraded and named Laman Al-Falah ARCUPM was launched on 1 August 2022 (Monday) in conjunction with the full transfer of Read@Uni space in a wider, conducive and applicable area by all alumni, campus staff, students and visitors visiting the TNC Office Building (Research and Innovation).

In order to revive the read@Uni of the Al-Falah ARCUPM Site, various activities and programmes were carried out which initially involved only ARCUPM staff, but in the future, it is open to anyone who wants to benefit read@uni Laman Al-Falah ARCUPM. The laptop and wifi facilities are also provided to make it easier if you want to use the small space as one of the places to complete tasks and so on. In addition, students are welcome to make the most of the space for their learning facilities.

Date of Input: 31/10/2022 | Updated: 19/01/2023 | suziana.wil


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017