ASK Successfully Attracted 500 Guests. | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » ASK successfully attracted 500 guests.

ASK successfully attracted 500 guests.

19 February 2020, UPM – Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) titled Career in the Blue Sky: Glamor and Reality were managed to attract 500 guests from UPM alumni and students. The programme was held at the Pendeta Za’ba College was organised by the Alumni Centre in collaboration with College Pendeta Za’ba and College 13, UPM. ASK is an opportunity for UPM students and alumni to share and discuss career fields in the blue sky, expertise and other experiences within and outside UPM.


Alumni giving through the contribution of ideas, expertise, and experiences could give positive impacts on the development of UPM student’s soft skills.


Thanks to the panelists and forum moderator, Mr. Joffanie Amir Mohd Yunus, Class of 2000 (Air Asia pilot), Major Nor Azman Shahimi, Class of 2003 (TD pilot) and Mr. Husalshah Rizal Hussian, Deputy Director of UPM Alumni Centre . The forum was impactful and active whereby most of the participants frequently asked questions to our guest speaker.  Alumni Centre hoped that such a programme in collaboration with UPM Residential College will be held again in the future and it will encourage alumni involvement to came back to the alma mater.



Date of Input: 21/02/2020 | Updated: 03/07/2020 | hafzaini


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017