| Alumni Relations Centre

As stakeholders, alumni also assist in outreaching to other stakeholders, namely, industries, friends of the university, and local or international organisations. These stakeholders may have an interest in collaborating with their alma mater for academic, research and commercialisation purposes in line with the University’s strategic plans. Alumni Relations Centre acts as secretariat for Yayasan Pak Rashid to manage and assist in student scholarly development and to award medal and prizes ‘YPR Gold Medal Award’ to any outstanding students. YPR also provides a financial loan to the student who needs temporary assistance to fund their study. Alumni Relation Centre also manage Soh Kim Mee Scholarship that will be given to the Diploma and Bachelor Student in Agriculture programme.

Alumni Relation Centre consist 18 staff include Management & Professional dan Support staff. We are committed to giving our best services in enhancing alumni-Alma mater relations towards UPM excellence.

Alumni Relation Centre has received courtesy visits from Alumni Office, Institute of Higher Education in Malaysia and International every year. Approximately 2-3 courtesy visits/delegates come from various Alumni Office such as Universiti Utara Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Institut Pertanian Bogor and much more.

Alumni Information System (AIS) is a web portal that will be developed by the Alumni Centre to collect and update data and profiles of the alumni of UPM. This portal is intended to ensure that the information and alumni profiles are always current, active and easily accessible for the purpose of announcements and to publicise activities /programs organised by UPM.

Alumni could update their personal information here ALUMNI UPDATE.
