By : Suziana Che Wil
Editor : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan
Translator: Amjad Hakimi Adam & Tahera Redha Nasser Redha Al Redha (UPM Internship Students 2022)
Tracing 50 years of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) is a long and long journey. There are various beautiful memories stored in the folds of history that will be remembered throughout the journey of the institution which celebrates the 50th anniversary of its establishment as a university on October 29, 2021.
During the 50 years of its establishment which began as what was known as the School of Agriculture, it was then upgraded to the Malayan Agricultural College. In 1971, the Malayan Agricultural College was known as a university, the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.
Universiti Pertanian Malaysia began its academic session on 23 July 1973, with an intake of 1,559 students. The students started their studies in three founding faculties and one foundation division which are the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture and Basic Science Division, which at that time emphasized forestry and veterinary in line with national policies and needs.
In the 80s, UPM further expanded its field of study to Science and Technology. On 3 April 1997, the name of the university was changed again from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia to Universiti Putra Malaysia by the former Prime Minister YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, to describe the status of UPM as a center of higher learning that covers various fields, especially science and information technology which is a necessity for the development of the country in the new millennium.
In line with that, UPM continues to stand tall by embracing various awards and achievements that show UPM's excellence as a tower of knowledge that matures with its age. Rating after rating was achieved by QS University Rangkings Asia, UPM managed to rank 27th best in Asia and second best in Malaysia. In the next three years, UPM has managed to improve its position from being at 33rd place in 2020, 28th place in 2021 and in 2022, once again UPM has improved its position to a better figure of 27th best in Asia.
Meanwhile, for the ranking at the world level, UPM is ranked 143rd in the world. UPM is also recognized as the best in the field of Agriculture and Forestry, which is ranked first in Malaysia, while ranked 80th best in the world. A high recognition and proving the excellence of UPM graduates in line and in line with the university's goal to produce sustainable graduates.
In line with the celebration of UPM's 50th Golden Jubilee Celebration (1971-2021) with the motto “Agriculture, Innovation, Life”. UPM through the leadership of UPM Vice Chancellor Ybhg Prof. Dr. Roslan Sulaiman is committed to continue to improve UPM's performance as a leader in green campuses in the country.
Through his support and the entire UPM community, with success after success achieved up to the organization of a virtual fitness program, specially designed to enliven the celebration of UPM's 50th Golden Jubilee Celebration (1971-2021) namely UPM Alumni Golden Fit 2021 has been successfully recorded in The Malaysia Book of Records (MBR) when receiving the largest participation from alumni, a total of 6,207 participants.
This success, at the same time recorded its own history for the celebration of 50 years of the establishment of UPM. More meaningful through the success of the UPM Alumni Golden Fit 2021 program, the construction of this UPM 50 Years Sculpture can be realized to perfection. The total construction cost is RM19 thousand, of which RM15 thousand is fully sponsored by the Menteri Besar of Selangor, while RM4 thousand is the contribution of the program participation fee from UPM alumni who participated in UPM Alumni Golden Fit 2021.
In principle, the construction has already received approval from the University Management Committee Meeting held on 28 July 2021 and the construction is expected to be fully completed on 21 December 2021.
Significance of Sculpture Construction Signs a Success
The construction of a sculpture is one of the fine art disciplines that is gaining a place in urban development in the country. The construction of sculptures either in the space inside the building or outside the building can add value to the environment as well as a symbol of success or strength of an organization.
That is what was intended when the UPM 50th Golden Jubilee Sculpture was built in conjunction with the UPM Golden Jubilee Celebration, of course the sculpture not only shows the external aesthetics but carries an implicit meaning that represents the aspirations of the organization in it. The existence of this UPM 50th Golden Jubilee Sculpture is able to add value to the UPM environment as well as the visibility of the image to the party that awarded the construction.
Furthermore, the construction of the 50 Years Sculpture is also symbolic of the 50 year history of the establishment of UPM as a university which began in 1971-2021. Apart from that, this construction can also translate the aspirations of 50 Years of UPM as a university with an international reputation. Certainly, through the construction of this sculpture, we can also cultivate a sense of belonging and pride among UPM alumni and citizens who also contribute to this success.
Symbolic Behind the UPM 50 Years Sculpture Logo:
Continuing the great touch from UPM alumni, this UPM 50 Years Sculpture logo was designed by Saudara Mohd Hairul Hazizi bin Amat Tokimin. He is an alumnus of the 2001 (Diploma in Forestry) and 2005 (Bachelor of Landscape Architecture) classes.
Each of the symbols displayed on this Sculpture has its own value and meaning;
Gold Color symbolizes 50 years of UPM's glory as a Tower of knowledge towards national prosperity and community well-being.
Grey symbolizes neutrality, flexibility, and consistency.
Red colour symbolizes the dynamism to the tradition of the struggle of knowledge as well as the pioneering spirit, courage, and resilience in the face of challenges.
Three Curved Lines in the Middle symbolizes the vision of the university that is always forward and also carries the meaning of the three main functions of the university namely teaching, research and services. The shape of a circle is like an institution that moves fast and consistently.
Pelepah and Palma Serdang that are fresh and blooming on the left is a branch symbol that symbolizes the diversity of fields and groups of UPM citizens as well as the importance of agriculture and human survival and prosperity which is the focus of UPM's strength in line with UPM's Strategic Plan.
Hence the color combination of gold, green, red, gray and white carries the meaning of harmony, stability, cheerfulness, maturity and dynamism remains until now at the age of 50 years in the higher education system.
Date of Input: 07/12/2021 | Updated: 06/04/2022 | suziana.wil
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Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Research and Innovation)
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Off Lebuh Silikon
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor