Alumni Passion And Compassion Initiatives | Alumni Relations Centre
» ARTICLE » Alumni Passion and Compassion Initiatives

Alumni Passion and Compassion Initiatives

Alumni Passion and Compassion Initiatives is one of the efforts to create education fund that value RM10million in order to finance the needs of UPM students in the future, through the provision of endowment contributions for the purpose of awarding scholarships, allocating financial assistance to the needy students, providing education start-ups, reward/ award academic excellence and provide infrastructure facilities for the students.

Lima strategi di bawah Alumni Passion and Compassion Initiatives seperti pada diagram di bawah:

Date of Input: 15/08/2018 | Updated: 15/05/2019 | hafzaini


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017